Aislyn Read online

Page 9

  The main part of the building was deserted. Seamus couldn’t decide if this was a good thing or not. The instant he stepped beyond the shields, he stabbed the blue stone on his Guardian’s band, praying that they ended up inside Aislyn flat. Gary, his assistant, had offered to send the amulet for servicing, but Seamus had put him off when a call had come in and he and Gill had raced off to follow up.

  A blink of a horny toad’s eye later, they landed on top of Aislyn’s bed--right location, bad landing spot. The feather mattress gave under their feet, throwing them off balance. They rolled over the edge of the bed, toppling to the floor. Seamus twisted to take the brunt of the fall. Aislyn landed safety on top of him, and then all he was aware of was her luscious curves nudging his chest. He inhaled deeply, sliding his eyes shut to hide the explosion of heat that fired his body. Gary was right. The Guardian’s amulet needed servicing.

  Aislyn groaned weakly.

  His eyes flew open, his hands smoothed down her body checking for broken bones. "Aislyn, are you all right?"

  She stretched against him, bringing their bodies flush in a male/female fit. He forgot to breathe, every particle of blood shooting from brain to groin faster than he could curse. Seamus froze, his skin itching and burning beneath his clothes. Would she notice his body had gone on horizontal action alert? Then he swore under his breath. How could she not?

  "Ah, Aislyn. It looks as though the spell was only good while you were on council premises. We need to get you upright to make sure your circulation is restored." Seamus lifted her away from him and contrarily wanted to grab her back. He forced his hands to let go once she stood under her own steam. Definitely nothing wrong with his circulation.

  Seamus stared at the female who managed to upset his world without even trying. He swallowed as he thought of the things he’d like to do with her, to her. "I need to go back to the council chambers," he muttered, dragging his eyes off her. Tomorrow, he’d get Gary to contact his mother to start the ball rolling. Living in Europe, she had the contacts. The minute his betrothal was announced, Aislyn wouldn’t tempt him so much because he’d be focused on duty. He wouldn’t feel as though he were being ripped in two.

  He’d be safe.


  "Did she tell you who her accomplice was?" the commander demanded the instant Seamus entered the boardroom.

  Scalding fury at the board members and his own culpability warred within. He shoved guilt aside and concentrated on the here and now. "Rule five hundred and twenty, section two, subparagraph four," he stated, glaring at each of the board members in turn until they wriggled their bums about in their padded chairs. "Guardian’s privilege," he added.

  "Now wait one pixie popping minute," the commander barked. "You can’t evoke Guardian’s privilege. We’re the board, we have powers."

  "Hear, hear," O’Regan muttered.

  Around the oak table, heads nodded emphatically.

  "But I’m Guardian," Seamus countered, meeting the commander’s gaze square on. "I was coerced into this position. You pleaded with me, said I owed it to the colony. You can’t have things your way all the time." While Seamus agreed he owed the colony, the way they had treated Aislyn wasn’t right.

  "You’ve got the hots for the O’Sullivan female, and it’s scrambled your brain. Why don’t you bed her and be done with it. There’s no law against it. You’re not betrothed yet," Murphy said, punctuating his accusation with a breathless gobble.

  Shocked silence met Murphy’s charge then as one, each of the board members turned to stare at Seamus. Beady speculation shone in their eyes.

  Seamus felt a muscular tick burst to life at the corner of his jaw. Under the table, his hands clenched. "I wasn’t aware that my private life was so interesting. However, in order to clear the air, I am not involved with Aislyn O’Sullivan. I have not had sexual relations with that fairy."

  "But you trained her for the fairy force recruitment exam," Murphy objected.

  "Aye, you did." O’Regan jotted a note in his notebook.

  Seamus fought an inner battle for calm, fisting his hands so he didn’t grab the male’s pen and snap it in two. "I told you, I trained the O’Sullivan female so I could head off potential problems." He strove for a reasonable tone. "I know you were against allowing her application, but the board must be seen to act in a fair manner." Hell’s teeth. He was starting to feel as though his personal life was under a microscope. The board was as bad as the paparazzi. His personal life was just that--personal.

  The commander poured himself a cup of coffee. "Perhaps if you’d announce your betrothal and set the colony on the way to financial recovery with a big, fat dowry we might think more kindly toward the O’Sullivan female."

  Seamus felt his jaw sag. That was out and out coercion. He clacked his teeth together, his eyes narrowed dangerously. "Anyone else have anything to add?" Cool contempt filled his voice.

  "Yes," O’Regan said, unwilling to meet his gaze. He concentrated on Murphy and the commander. "The O’Sullivan fairy has broken the law. She’s endangered the lives of our wives and children. She must be expelled from the colony."

  "But the Guardian is right," Murphy spoke rapidly. "We have no proof she left the colony so we can’t leave her languishing in jail. I say we send her on the exchange program. Send her to another colony and let them deal with her militant ideas."

  Excited discussion broke out. Seamus tensed inwardly, although he maintained his casual sprawl.

  O’Regan yelled over the top of the other fairies. "Good idea, but it won’t work. The papers picked up the story. The overseas colonies have heard the news."

  Seamus straightened, deciding it was time to take control. If he didn’t speak up, she’d end up exiled in Outer Mongolia or somewhere equally hostile. "I think we should let her join the fairy force."

  "What?" Murphy squawked.

  O’Regan leapt to his feet, smacking his hands on the oak table. "Are you mad?"

  "You’re rewarding the female," the commander snapped. "Hardly the thing. Not the thing at all."

  "What if I take responsibility for her while she’s out of the colony?" Seamus asked. While it wasn’t the best idea, he couldn’t think of a better one. He could foist her off on his assistant, Gary then he wouldn’t have to deal with her. If he didn’t see her, he wouldn’t stare temptation in the face.

  The older board members muttered under their breath. Some shook their heads while others tsk-tsked.

  "I have it!" O’Regan shouted, leaping from the seat he’d only just returned to.

  "Spit it out," the commander demanded. "Let us judge."

  Let them judge, Seamus thought. Ironic. He folded his arms across his chest and waited for O’Regan to spill his pearls of wisdom. Hades, the board was out of control. The burden of his Guardian duties weighed heavy and burdensome like a yoke around his neck.

  "The research scientists are always complaining they can’t test their cat remedies outside the colony. I say, we suggest to the O’Sullivan female that she is our ... ah...." He hesitated, inhaled and then exhaled deeply. "Appoint her as research assistant and have her test the cat remedies."

  "Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant!" The look in Murphy’s eyes and his gobble of triumph made Seamus itch to throttle him.

  "It’s too dangerous." Seamus shot to his feet and grasped the edge of the table in the hope it would prevent bloodshed in the hallowed halls of council. "Would you let your daughter test cat remedies?"

  The commander fidgeted with his pen, refusing to meet Seamus’s eyes. "That’s not the subject under discussion."

  "You said you’d be there to offer support and supervision." O’Regan narrowed his piggy eyes. "Or does the female tempt you to forgo duty?"

  "Why you--" Seamus took two steps in the direction of the slight fairy with the big mouth then froze. "I am currently drawing up a list of prospective first ladies. Once I decide on a candidate and negotiations are completed, I’ll announce my betrothal," he gritted out. "I k
now my duty."

  Delighted grins bloomed on their faces. Several fairies stepped up and clapped him on the back.

  "That’s great news," the commander said, beaming.

  Seamus slunk back to his seat, a wide grin pasted on his face. Inside, nausea swam through his stomach then crawled up his throat. Saying it out loud to the board made everything sound so final. Like a cornered animal, he felt trapped. Resentful. Couldn’t he ever think of himself before the colony? For once. The grin fell away, but not the feeling of responsibility.

  Murphy grinned. "I think we could have a wee dram in celebration once we hammer out the specifics regarding the O’Sullivan female."

  The noose tightened around Seamus’s neck. He managed another weak smile. "Any suggestions as to where she could live?" If they suggested his house, he was doomed. A male only had so much willpower.

  "The fairy force recruits are fully integrated with the human police recruits. Why can’t we move the O’Sullivan female into the hostel? While there are no females in the fairy force, there are several female human officers," Murphy said.

  An old-timer nodded. "Perfect. That’s all settled then. Jameson’s, I think. The good stuff."

  "Who’s going to tell her?" O’Regan asked.

  The fairies looked at each other then, as if a secret sign had been given, they turned to Seamus.

  "You’re Guardian so it should come from you," the commander stated.

  "She should sign a contract first," O’Regan said. "The contract will have to come from the board."

  Murphy gave a distressed gobble. "Too time consuming. A contract will take time."

  As Seamus watched, they glanced at each other and seemed to come to a decision.

  "We’ll have the contract ready for the female to sign at ten o’clock tomorrow morning.

  Seamus checked his watch then stood. "I have Aislyn in a safe place and will bring her here tomorrow morning." His glare cut potential arguments to nil. He stalked to the door. "One more thing. I know you all have problems with the female, but make the contract a fair one."

  "Of course," the commander said. "The contract will be fair."

  Heads nodded in unison. Red faces shone with innocence.

  Seamus snorted. Now why did he have trouble believing that?

  * * * *

  The next day dawned bright and sunny. With plenty of time in hand, Seamus picked the old-fashioned way of traveling. He walked, savoring the soft breeze and the heat from the sun beaming down on his bare head--a fine day to test his willpower. Word association immediately brought Aislyn to mind. The sooner he picked a consort, formalized their betrothal and made it public knowledge, the better. He wasn’t blind. He’d seen the way Aislyn looked at him.

  Seamus shoved the thought away and deciding speed was imperative, stabbed the blue button on his armband. Seconds later, he popped into a small steamy room. A female sang one of the latest fairy hits, her body gyrating to a silent beat only she heard. The scent of ginger and fresh apricots filled the air. Groaning softly, Seamus peered through the misty air, his stomach swooping and plunging as horror worked up his throat. The female had red corkscrew curls. He snapped his eyes shut and blundered toward the bathroom door, but not before the imprint of Aislyn’s naked body ricocheted around his mind and set like a photograph in an album. Ah, hell. The fairy had some seriously touchable curves. Ripe, wet curves that begged him to reach out and touch, slender legs long enough to wrap around his hips....

  Ah, hell. He groped for the door and flung himself out into the passage, breathing hard and heavy. Three gasping breaths later, he still smelt Aislyn. He didn’t think he’d be able to look at an apricot without thinking of her, picturing her....

  Thank the good lord Aislyn hadn’t noticed him pop in.


  Seamus jerked in shock. His mouth worked but no sound came out. Like an idiot, he stared at the blonde.

  She smiled rather than the scream he half expected. "I didn’t realize Aislyn had company. Sorry, I’ll make myself scarce."

  By the time Seamus had his mouth in working order, the fairy had disappeared out the front door, leaving him alone with Aislyn.

  "I am not tempted," he muttered. That was it. Gary could send the amulet off. Hang on. What did she mean, she didn’t realize Aislyn had company? Jealousy stopped him short. Did Aislyn make a habit of bringing male fairies home for the night?

  The bathroom door opened, and ginger and apricot scented steam billowed out into the passage. His gut churned as he straightened to face the pint-sized fairy who made him weak at the knees.

  "Good morning," he said, managing a half-smile.

  "Sorry, have you been waiting long?" Aislyn inquired, a cheery smile on her face.

  Seamus dragged deep for calm. The female acted as though she paraded in front of male fairies all the time wearing nothing more than a skimpy towel and a smile. Perhaps she did? For an instant, the thought shook him then he realized Glenveagh was so small he would have heard gossip. He hadn’t. His legs threatened to fold at the knee like pieces of over-cooked spaghetti.

  "We have to be at the council buildings in five minutes," he growled, his burst of temper aimed at himself as much as her. "I’ll wait in the lounge." Seamus stomped down the hall, slamming the passage door as he struggled to deal with a myriad of powerful, confusing emotions. Aislyn O’Sullivan wasn’t for him, no matter how much his body throbbed with the urgent need to claim her as his mate.

  "I’m ready," Aislyn chirped, a mere five minutes later.

  Not nearly long enough to work off his emotion or build walls of protection. Seamus’s temper ached for freedom, but pride bade him hold his tongue. Instead, he gnashed his teeth, struggling to come to terms with the situation. Situation--hell. The problem was Aislyn. In her black jeans and yellow jumper, she looked good enough to eat. And like the big bad wolf, he wanted to dig right in. The jumper clung to her curves as closely as a jealous lover. Seamus jerked his lustful eyes away.

  "We’re late," he snapped. "Take my arm."

  Holding his breath, he thumped the amulet. If they landed anywhere but the council chambers, so help him, he’d deliver it to the guru in France himself. Let one fairy mutter the words, out of warranty, and he’d ram the bloody thing somewhere uncomfortable. They wouldn’t sit for a week.

  Seconds later, they shimmered into the council rooms. Seamus shoved Aislyn into a chair and dived from the boardroom. Aislyn-free air. Man, he’d thought it before and he’d think it again--he was never gonna eat an apricot again.

  "We’re here," he growled at the commander. "Let’s get the agreement signed. I have a meeting human side."

  The board members filed into the meeting room one by one. They were hard put to contain their glee. Each sat in their assigned seat, apart from the commander. He planted a sheaf of papers in front of Aislyn.

  "I take it Seamus has explained what is going to happen?"

  Aislyn’s head jerked up, her eyes seeking Seamus. Her heart thudded anxiously then settled when she finally found him, leaning against the wall, arms folded across his chest. The brooding in his eyes should have made her nervous. No doubt, he intended to scare her away, but she was beginning to think his moodiness was a façade to keep her at bay. Just his being there helped her jittery nerves relax.

  Aislyn subsided into the soft padded leather of the chair, forcing the tobacco-laced air into her lungs. "No." That one word held every single one of her insecurities. Perhaps her father was right and she was a disgrace, destined to sully the O’Sullivan name. Under the table, she clasped her hands together and waited for her punishment.

  "You will leave the colony," the commander stated.

  Aislyn gasped. In her lap, her fingers curled inward, digging into her palms. "You’re going to expel me?" There--they’d said it. The same words that her father had bellowed last week when he’d disowned her. Expulsion. A sick sensation stalked inside her belly. She shivered.

  "Hell’s teeth," Seamus snapped
, pushing away from the wall.

  Aislyn’s heart leapt. He sounded angry on her behalf.

  "Aislyn, what the commander means is that they are allowing you to take up a job in the human world. You will be an unofficial part of the fairy force."

  Her head snapped up, her shoulders straightened from the loser’s slump. The fairy ... had she heard correctly? "The fairy force. Me?" she croaked, her hands reaching up to shove the hair from in front of her ears.

  "There are conditions," Murphy informed her. "If you fail to abide with the conditions we set then we will be forced to make alternative arrangements."

  She’d heard correctly. Pure, exquisite joy spurted and bubbled through her veins. Her eyes sought Seamus while her mouth curled into a grin. They were letting her leave the colony, to join the fairy force. "I’ll agree to anything," she said fervently. "Anything at all."

  "Who helped you leave the colony?" Murphy demanded. "A name. We want a name."

  Aislyn felt the blood bleach from her face. Her legs trembled and she was fiercely glad she’d remained seated instead of leaping for joy. Anything but that. Seamus played such an important part in the community, liaising as he did between the human and fairy worlds. Her shoulders slumped again. That was it then. Confession was out of the question especially since Seamus had helped her so much with her training, never once scoffing at her ambitions.

  "No, I’m sorry, but I can’t tell you." Aislyn’s chin jerked up and she met the gaze of each of the fairies seated about the wooden table. "I guess I’ll have to stay here."

  "Murphy," Seamus gritted, a real edge to his voice. He looked like a male pushed to the limit.

  A nervous gobble echoed through the luxurious room. "Read the papers and sign them. You need to initial each page to confirm you are in agreement with the terms. The contract will last for one year. Once the year expires, terms will be up for negotiation."