Aislyn Read online

Page 6

  "Never mind," Gill said. "You’re here now. Send the girl home and we can get going."

  Bloody hell. "I can’t," Seamus said. Gill was right. They couldn’t let this opportunity go. They needed someone inside Maximillan’s estate, but he couldn’t leave Aislyn here on her own. He dragged his hand through his hair, trying to think.

  Gill started toward the driveway. "We have to go. Now. We owe it to Hone."

  "Aislyn will have to come with us. Look, Gill. I can’t explain but trust me, she won’t be any trouble."

  Gill shrugged. "On your head."

  Seamus replied with a clipped nod. "We’ll meet you at the car."

  Gill disappeared around the corner of the house and Seamus hurried over to Aislyn. "Change of plans," he said tersely.

  "You can’t send me back." Aislyn tossed her head, her chin jutting upward in challenge. "You promised."

  "I’m not sending you back. But I can’t leave you here alone. You’re coming with us, but Aislyn, you have to promise to sit in the car and keep your mouth shut. As soon as we’re finished our business, I’ll take you for the drive I promised. If you behave, I’ll buy you breakfast before we go back to the colony." This whole thing was snowballing out of control. Damn his tear-induced impulse. The way his luck was running, one of the fairy force members would eyeball them. Then all hell would break loose. The roar of Gill’s car prompted him to haste. "Deal, Aislyn?"

  "Deal." Her blue eyes sparkled with life once again, allowing Seamus to exhale with relief. Part of the crisis averted.

  "Hurry. Gill’s waiting." He grabbed hold of her forearm and dragged her around the corner of the house. Seamus jerked open the back passenger door and hustled Aislyn into the back before climbing into the front and slamming his door shut.

  Gill took off with a spray of gravel, the car sliding before the tires gained traction. A small squeak from the back seat made Seamus grin.

  "It would be good to arrive in one piece," he said. "And I’m sure Aislyn would like to live to see Auckland."

  "I’ve arranged to meet Elsa near the kiosk in Cornwell Park," Gill said. "That’s if she’s bothered to wait."

  Seamus grunted.

  Aislyn listened to the two males in the front of the car fascinated with the way they interacted. One seemed to know what the other was thinking even before a word was uttered. Wow, a human male. Curiosity bubbling over, she studied the back of Gill’s head. They didn’t look too different. His hair was blond, long and a bit shaggy. The human looked as though he’d needed to visit the colony hairdresser, Snip ‘n Curl, about two months ago. As he turned to speak to Seamus, she saw he needed a shave too, but one look at the human’s intensely green eyes and dark lashes and his scruffiness faded into the background. Oh, yeah. The human would cause chaos amongst the female fairies if he visited the colony. Cleaned up, he’d look almost pretty, except for the nose.

  The car brakes shrieked as Gill hurled the vehicle around a corner. Aislyn grabbed for the front seat. The sun climbed sluggishly above the skyline allowing Aislyn to read the road signs as they darted in and out of the traffic. Manukau. In her mind, she sounded each syllable. A warm glow spurted through her body. Being outside the colony was like being in a foreign country. And she loved it!

  Gill pulled up at a set of traffic lights, his hands drumming on the wheel while he waited impatiently for the change to green. The foreign looking buildings gave way to a large expanse of green grass and trees. Gill slowed and turned into the park. Cornwall Park. There was so much to see and so little time before Seamus returned her to the colony. Pumpkin time. Resentment fanned to life without warning. It wasn’t fair that a male could experience the wonder of Auckland city and the towns and countries beyond while she had to kick around the colony and discuss sewing techniques.

  "There she is," Gill said. Relief shaded his voice. "Thank God she waited. Now all we have to do is convince her to work with us."

  Seamus cursed softly. "I thought you said she’d already agreed."

  "I said, she was thinking about it. But we have leverage so she’ll come round to our way of thinking. Her older brother is doing time for aggravated robbery. She’s managed to stay straight, but her younger brother was picked up shop lifting for the second time since school let out for holidays. I’m going to suggest that we help each other."

  "Let’s do it," Seamus said. He turned to face her. "Stay in the car. Do not move."

  Gill shot her a quick, easy grin that warmed her insides. "Have a heart, Seamus. Let the girl get out of the car. We might be a while."

  Seamus’s glare drilled holes, nailing her in place on the backseat. "Stay in the car," he gritted out. "Or I’ll put you over my knee and blister your backside. Clear?"

  "Crystal." Aislyn fired back the glare with every ounce of her Irish temper inserted. She pictured her hands around his neck and silently ran through her store of rat spells.

  Gill shook his head as he climbed from the car. "Needs to get laid," he muttered.

  The two males walked over to a large sprawling fig tree. A young girl waited by the base of the tree, her hand jerking up and down as she puffed on a cigarette. When she saw the men approach, she blew one last cloud of smoke before throwing the butt on the ground and rubbing it out with her foot.

  Aislyn sighed. She wanted to hear the conversation. After all, she was part of the team, or she would be once she started on the job Seamus had told her about. Her hand crept to the door handle. A faint click sounded as the door opened. Aislyn nearly leapt out of her skin. Her head whipped about. She cast a guilty glance toward Seamus. When he continued with his conversation, Aislyn let the door fall open. Just to let the fresh air into the car, she reassured herself.

  Once the door was open, she decided she might as well stretch her legs. After all, they were so much longer than normal. She’d need to keep her circulatory system in tip-top condition. With a quick glance at Seamus, Aislyn stepped from the car.

  A gentle breeze tickled her cheek and tossed her corkscrew curls into disarray. Aislyn sniffed trying to identify the strange and wonderful smells that were carried in the wind. There were car fumes, the rich scent of earth beneath her feet and a faint whiff of pine and greenery. Mindful of Seamus’s warnings, she looked in both directions and sniffed carefully trying to discern anything out of the ordinary that might spell danger. Yep, just as she’d thought. Nothing. Not a thing out of place. Feeling both bold and invincible, Aislyn crept toward the two males and the girl. Her black cloak dragged along the dew-covered grass mopping up water until the bottom six inches of the hem looked wet. Aislyn paid no mind, her attention centered on the trio standing by the fig tree.

  "We can keep your brother’s record clean, but you have to work with us," Gill said.

  Seamus scowled at the girl. "No point. Gill, we’re wasting our time."

  Aislyn’s mouth dropped on hearing Seamus’s harsh tone. The girl cast a panicked look at Gill. Why was he speaking to the girl like that? Aislyn wondered. She’d never work with them if Seamus treated her like that.

  "Seamus, don’t be so hasty," Gill said smoothly. "Elsa wants to help us. Don’t you, Elsa?"

  Elsa’s head moved in a jerky nod.

  Ah! They were playing a classic good cop, bad cop scenario. Enthralled, Aislyn moved closer not wanting to miss a word of the technique.

  "We can help your brother," Gill said. "We might even be able to swing a job for him to keep the boy out of mischief. How does that sound, Elsa? A job that keeps him off the streets and builds his pride."

  Elsa nodded again. She fumbled in her jacket pocket and pulled out a packet of cigarettes.

  Aislyn tsked under her breath. Didn’t she know those things killed? What was the point trying to save her brother if she was on her way to an early death because she smoked?

  "A job sounds good," Elsa said, her voice low and throaty. "Real good."

  Seamus threw up his arms, snorting his disgust out loud.

  Elsa threw him a panicke
d look then turned to Gill. "Don’t listen to him," she cried. "Jason is a good boy. He’s fallen in with the wrong crowd. If he had a job, it would make all the difference. It would." She coughed and then brushed a lock of dark hair from her face with a trembling hand. "I’ll do it," she said. "I’ll do it for you, Gill, and for Jason."

  "Good girl," Gill said, his voice full of approval. "I’ll give you a cell phone. All you need to do is ring me when you have something to report. If anyone wants to know who you’re ringing, tell them I’m your cousin. That I’m keeping an eye on your family for you while you’re away working on the island."

  "What sort of things do you want to know?" Elsa asked.

  "Arrivals. Departures. We need the names of guests staying at the estate, names of visitors from the resort who meet up with Maximillan for dinner or for any other reason. Watch whenever you can, tell us everything, and we’ll work out what’s important. Can you do that, Elsa?"

  "Yes," she whispered.

  "Good girl," Gill said, and his soft voice stirred the hairs at the back of Aislyn’s neck. Wow, this male was good. Aislyn imagined him with a haircut and better clothes and nodded. Oh, yeah. He’d do very nicely....

  A strange noise came from the leafy bush, a few feet from where she hid. The leaves shook at ground level, rustled again then parted.

  "Wow," she whispered. With a furtive glance at Seamus, she crept closer to investigate the small fluffy white creature that had appeared from the bush. Aislyn crouched and stretched out one hand in greeting. To her delight, the creature swaggered closer.

  "You are so cute," she cooed. She held her breath silently urging the creature to step close enough that she could touch. Just as her knees started to protest, the creature strutted right up to her, its tail waving in the air like a small flag. Then, wonder of wonders, the creature rubbed its small fluffy head against Aislyn’s hand. Aislyn grinned and sank to the ground, unperturbed about the grass seeping through her cloak.


  A soft gurgle escaped Aislyn as the creature climbed on her lap and nibbled at her arm. Aislyn ran her hand over the animal’s soft fur. What was it? They didn’t have them in the colony. It was so cute.

  The bush rustled and rattled vigorously, then two more creatures appeared. Just as cute, but different colors. They slunk toward Aislyn on their bellies. A black and white one leapt at Aislyn, landing with a bump, sharp claws extended to catch hold of Aislyn’s cloak.

  "Ouch," she scolded the creature. "That hurt." When she tried to remove the creature, it bunted her with its head then slid a small pink tongue across her skin. Aislyn was charmed. "I wonder if Seamus will let me take you home with me," she murmured, lifting the white one up and holding it in front of her face. "If they could see you, I bet all the fairies would want one."


  The roar made Aislyn shriek in alarm. The creature hissed and leapt for safety leaving a track of claw marks across her hand. In the blink of an eye, the creatures scuttled for the safety of the bush. Aislyn took one look at Seamus’s face and wished she could follow.

  "I told you to stay in the car. Hell, Aislyn." Seamus grabbed her hand and hauled her to her feet, the black glower on his face leaving her in little doubt of his mood.

  "I’m sorry," Aislyn snapped, yanking from his touch. "I wanted to see--"

  "I turn my back for one minute and you land feet first in a load of trouble. I don’t know what I was thinking bringing you here." A vein pulsed at his temple, while his mouth thinned so much it almost disappeared.

  "I’m sorry," Aislyn repeated. "I ... I...." she trailed off helplessly unable to put into words how she felt being out of the colony.

  Seamus grabbed her again and hauled her into a bear hug so tight she could scarcely draw breath. "Hell’s teeth, Aislyn. If anything happened to you--"

  "I thought you said she was a relation." Gill’s laconic voice broke the dangerous currents that swirled between them.

  "She is," Seamus snapped, loosening his hold slightly.

  "Of the kissing kind, I presume."

  Seamus leapt away as if she carried a contagious disease. "I’m meant to look after her. She ... she’s not used to the city." He dragged a hand across his face. If anything happened to her, I’d never live it down."

  Gill sent Aislyn a pitying glance. "Hell, Seamus. That mystery woman’s tied your good sense into knots. Lighten up. The girl was playing with a few cats, for God’s sake. She wasn’t doing anything wrong."

  Cats? Aislyn darted a look at the bush where the creatures had disappeared then she peeked at Seamus. "They were cats?" she asked in a hushed voice.

  The deep color above his cheekbones indicated that he was furious. Still. He folded his arms across his chest. "Oh, yeah, sweetheart. Those cute cuddly animals were cats. The things you’re allergic to, remember? See that bird over there in the fig tree?"

  Aislyn nodded as she spotted the bird.

  "Cats hunt birds that size."

  A solid pressure formed in Aislyn’s chest. Normally, she was that size. She swallowed rapidly, trying to release the tension that choked her body.

  "That’s right," he said, knowing she’d comprehended and understood. "And if I see you within spitting distance of a cat again, I promise I’ll blister your backside so it will hurt you to sit down for a full week."

  Aislyn’s gaze slid away, guilt making it difficult to maintain eye contact with Seamus for a second longer. Rats. Now she’d done it. Did this mean she’d miss breakfast and the Sky tower?


  The suspense was too much.

  "Does this mean I won’t get breakfast?" Aislyn asked, her voice soft.

  Gill stepped up beside her and slid an arm around her waist. "Don’t you worry, cupcake. If this grumpy lout refuses to buy you breakfast, I’ll take you."

  Seamus glowered, and Aislyn noticed with surprise, his glare was for Gill as much as her. She knew she’d disobeyed orders but what had Gill done? Sure, the man made some cryptic comments about mysteries and women, but she thought the interview with Elsa had gone well.

  Aislyn shrugged at Gill. It was her life’s chore to poke at Seamus’s temper. He couldn’t have things both ways. Annoying siblings was what younger siblings did.

  "Thank you," she said to Gill. One peek at Seamus told her he was considering taking her straight back to the colony without the promised sightseeing trip. Two could play that sport. "Where do you suggest for breakfast?" she asked Gill, and she fluttered her eyelashes for effect.

  "Do you have something in your eye?" Seamus snapped.

  They both ignored him.

  "Has this lout shown you any of the city yet?" Gill’s lips tilted upward at the very corners, as though he was suppressing a gut wrenching roar of laughter.

  "Not yet," Aislyn admitted. "We were going this morning. Unfortunately, I’m not here for long."

  "Here on holiday, huh? Where are you from?"

  "Tipperary," Seamus snarled. "If you two would stop the chit-chat, we could get going."

  Gill kept his arm around Aislyn’s waist as they ambled to the car. "Tipperary? In Ireland?"

  "That’s what I said," Seamus muttered. He jerked open the car door for Aislyn and waited impatiently for her to get in.

  "And here I was, going to ask Aislyn out. Tipperary," Gill mused. "That’s a long way to go."

  "Hell’s teeth," Seamus muttered. He stomped around the front of the car and wrenched the passenger door open. The slam of the door punctuated his tetchiness.

  Gill whistled as he climbed in the driver’s seat. He turned to wink at Aislyn. "We’ll work on changing his mind. I’m sure we can fit in a night on the town before you leave."

  "Sounds good," Aislyn agreed breezily.

  "Over my dead body."

  Gill started the car. "That could be arranged." He glanced back at Aislyn. "How does breakfast down at the Viaduct Basin sound?"

  "Near the harbor?" Aislyn blurted. She’d read so much about Auckland city a
nd the beautiful harbor. The idea of seeing it made her heart race.

  "Ah, the voice of approval. The Viaduct Basin, it is."

  Aislyn pressed her nose to the window as Gill sped from the park. There were more people scurrying to work and children that must be heading for school. More cars. She concentrated really hard, trying to remember everything. This was a once in a lifetime visit so she’d better make the most of it.

  * * * *

  Appearances were deceptive.

  Maximillan, for one, knew the cliché rang with truth. Each morning when he glanced in the mirror, he saw himself as others saw him--a man with the face of an angel. He chuckled softly as he sauntered down the jetty to meet the incoming launch. For he knew, the smooth tanned skin, the clear sparkling blue eyes and the golden curls hid the soul of a depraved man.

  The chug-chug of the incoming launch distracted him from his musing. The captain had notified him of Sameth’s presence on board. Acute anticipation churned his gut, although to all outward appearances, he remained the calm, suave man in full control of his destiny.

  He spied his second in command standing at the bow of the boat and fought an uncharacteristic need to fidget. Had his idea borne fruit? Had his friends, his enemies taken the bait?

  The skipper pulled the launch up along side the jetty with precision neatness. The engines churned the water. As Maximillan watched, two crewmembers leapt ashore and fastened the lines to moor the boat. Three minutes later by Maximillan’s watch, the gangplank hit the jetty with a loud metallic clank and passengers started to disembark. His second in command was the last to leave the boat. In her short, tight skirt and fitted jacket Sameth looked like model material. The tall woman possessed a sharp brain along with the combination of Eurasian good looks.

  "Maximillan, is something wrong?" she asked in her smooth, well-modulated tones.

  Maximillan hid his impatience with difficulty. "Nothing at all, Sameth. I’ve worked in the office all morning and felt like some fresh air."

  One dark brow arched. "Are you heading back to the office? Would you like a verbal report now? We need to discuss the competition arrangements."