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Aislyn Page 17
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Page 17
"Good morning, Mr. Watson. I’m sorry to disturb your breakfast, but this parcel must be signed for. I need your signature since the parcel is addressed to you. Company policy, I’m afraid." To her horror, she saw the faint tremor in her hands when she handed over the package along with a pen. Would he notice? Every bit of spit dried inside her mouth, despite the wad of gum, while she waited for the man’s reaction. The expression on his thin face never changed. He scrawled his signature on the courier sticker that Gary had designed.
"Thank you, Mr. Watson." She replaced the pen in her pocket and forced a smile even though frustration beat at her. What now? The whole exercise had been a waste of time. She’d learnt zilch. Dispirited, she turned and walked to the door where the bodyguard waited. She glanced back over her shoulder and noticed that Mr. Watson was staring. The intent pale eyes stared holes through her. Aislyn fought to conceal a shudder. Good job she wore a disguise. The way he hadn’t uttered a word the whole time she’d waited for him to sign the parcel was weird, but his rapt stare put the seal on it. Truly weird. It was a relief when the door connecting the rooms closed behind them. Now all she had to do was leave before he opened the parcel.
Even though she needed to hurry, each step they took toward the front door caused Aislyn’s spirits to plummet. Do something, her brain screamed. Don’t let this chance waste.
"Are you spending long in Auckland? Or are you holidaying in another part of the country? I noticed the accent. British, isn’t it?" Thank you, Gina! Aislyn wouldn’t have known an accent if it hit her on the head. It was another of the many things that she scrambled to learn so that she didn’t stand out as a newcomer. Breathlessly, she waited for his reply. Frustration at the man’s slow, careful consideration of her question made her want to shake him despite the huge difference in size. The silence stretched until she thought he wasn’t going to answer.
"We’re here for two more days and then we’re going to Coromandel."
Aislyn’s heart thumped erratically, her palms felt moist. She wanted to wipe them on her trousers. Instead, she smiled. "I haven’t visited the Coromandel, but I’ve heard it’s very beautiful. Where are you staying?" The pause while she waited for the bodyguard to speak was long and nerve stretching. Part of her waited for Mr. Watson’s inevitable roar when he opened the parcel and found that the Suzanne Brockmann book inside was not the one on the scavenger hunt list. Speak, she thought, willing the man to open his mouth. Quickly.
"At the Kowhai Lodge Resort."
Aislyn beamed a huge smile at the man. He blinked as he opened the suite door for her. Oops--too many mega watts. Dimming the smile to warm, she said, "I’m sure you’ll have a great time. Look at the time! I’d better hurry or my boss will sack me. I hope you enjoy the rest of your visit to New Zealand." After adding a breezy wave to her smile, she turned and strode for the lift. The edgy sensation between her shoulder blades told her the bodyguard continued to watch.
The lift doors edged together slowly as if an invisible force held them back. Through the gap, her gaze met the bodyguard’s. She froze, and something the size of the frog bounced around inside her stomach. Shut, she thought, ripping her gaze away to jab at the control buttons. Part of her remembered her very first ride in a lift. Seamus. The kiss. A flash of heat joined the nerves inside her stomach. Please shut.
The lift doors shut. Aislyn sagged against the back wall, her eyes fixed on the lights indicating what floor the lift was on. Without warning the lift stopped. The doors slid open. Aislyn gasped.
Two men dressed in business suits stepped inside and one reached toward Aislyn. She flinched, but the man merely pressed the button for the second floor and the lift continued on its descent. At the second floor, the lift stopped to let the two men out. Alone again, Aislyn sent the lift to the ground floor. She sprang from the lift and when she couldn’t see Gary, hurried for the exit. Realizing she was running and would attract attention, she slowed but not too much. The memory of Mr. Watson’s pale eyes sent fear slithering through her body. She couldn’t wait to tell Gary about him.
Aislyn spotted Gary parked several spaces from where she’d left him. He was arguing with a short, dumpy woman in a uniform.
"Where am I meant to park?" Aislyn heard Gary demand. "I’m a courier. We deliver packages."
The woman planted her hands on broad hips. "You’ve been parked her for thirty five minutes. The sign clearly says ten minute parking only."
Aislyn hurried up to the van. "Can I help?"
"Yes, you can help," the woman snarled. She thrust a piece of paper at Aislyn and stomped off.
Aislyn looked down at the piece of paper she held. "What’s this?"
"A parking ticket," Gary snapped. "I’m dying of stress out here and you calmly waltz out after thirty five minutes looking as though you’ve been on a picnic." Gary paused to glare at her. "Well, Aislyn O’Sullivan, here’s the deal. Next time you get the waiting job. And you will be paying half of this bloody ticket. Is that clear?"
"I think we should leave, just in case they open the package and decide they want to question us."
"Get in," Gary ordered as he stomped around to the driver’s side.
Oops, Aislyn thought. "Did you get hold of Gina?" She climbed into the passenger seat, put on her seat belt and waited for Gary to answer. He pulled away from the curb, merging with the traffic on Victoria Street with an ease that Aislyn admired. She’d like to learn how to drive one of these machines. There were lots of vehicles in Auckland and it seemed to her that she was one of the few who didn’t own one.
"No, there’s no answer on either her cell phone or at her friend’s number."
Aislyn frowned. "That doesn’t sound good. I’ll drop around after work."
"Did you find out how long they are staying in Auckland?"
Sure did, Aislyn thought with a trace of smugness. "They’re staying here for another two days and then they’re moving to the Kowhai Lodge Resort in the Coromandel."
"Really?" Gary took his eyes off the road and stared at Aislyn. "How do you know? Are you sure?"
"The bodyguard told me," Aislyn said with a nonchalant shrug. No way did she intend to confess how fear and panic had almost got the better of her.
"That’s brilliant, Aislyn. If we catch a cab to work after we drop off Jacob’s van, we won’t be too late. Since Seamus is out for the week, I think we should let the big boss know."
"Okay." Aislyn shared a grin with Gary. This investigative business was easy. She had no idea why Seamus insisted it was too dangerous for a female fairy to undertake.
* * * *
"Seamus is back," Gary muttered as Aislyn hurried past his desk to her small adjoining office.
She careered to a halt and whirled back to question him. "Have you seen Seamus? Was he ... ah ... angry?" A stupid question really, she thought. What she really wanted to know was his depth of anger.
"Not angry exactly, he looked more tired than anything. Seamus and Gill are in with the boss at the moment."
Aislyn rolled her eyes, knowing that Seamus was going to hear about what they’d been up to. "Great. Why do I have the feeling of impending doom?"
"We did good, Aislyn. The boss said we’d used our initiative."
"Yeah, but that was after he shouted," Aislyn pointed out. She wasn’t sure she was ready to go through that again.
"Aislyn! My office. Now."
At the whip-crack sound of Seamus’s voice, Aislyn leapt and was chagrined to realize her feet actually left the ground. She glanced over her shoulder, and one look at his face made her want to run.
"I’ll deal with you next." The words wiped the grin from Gary’s face.
Aislyn sent silent commiseration in his direction. At least they’d had fun investigating, even if it meant the end of their budding careers. She lifted her chin, determined not to cower. Truth was, she would repeat the exercise in a heartbeat, with or without Seamus’s permission.
A hand gripped her firmly by the upper arm and pr
opelled her forward at a fast rate of clicks. Seamus shoved the door open and it flew back against the wall with a sullen thud. Once they were both inside his office, he grabbed the door and slammed it shut before stalking across to stare out the window. Finally, he turned and nailed her with a black glare.
Aislyn winced, and braced for worse to come. Somehow, kissing him wasn’t the first thing that came to mind.
"Of all the foolish, hare-brained schemes. I leave you alone for one week. One week, and you’re knee deep in trouble. And if that isn’t bad enough, you have to drag Gary in with you."
Aislyn drew in a sharp breath. That wasn’t fair. Gary had demanded participation. She hadn’t dragged him anywhere. "Gary and I did a good job."
The female didn’t have a single scrap of common sense rattling round in that head of hers. Reckless fool. Gary and I did a good job. Hell’s teeth! They were lucky they had escaped John Watson’s clutches alive. The man had a rep that preceded him from England. Just thinking about what could have happened made Seamus breakout in a sweat.
"You’re just sore because the boss decided to let Gary and I help," Aislyn declared.
Sore. Sore? Seamus gnashed his teeth together, while his hands clenched to tight fists. "Do you know what my boss has suggested I get you to do?" he ground out.
Aislyn tossed her head, making her curls dance about. "No, but I’m sure I can manage."
Seamus prowled across the space separating them. He stopped inches from her, close enough that he smelled the apricots in her hair. The familiar scent riled him, stirring the embers of his anger to new heights. "Even if your task is to pretend to be my wife? Even if you have to share the honeymoon suite with me at the Kowhai Lodge Resort. Since it was the only damned room left!"
The idea of going out on assignment had thrilled her even if it was with Seamus. None of the realities had registered. Until now.
Aislyn gritted her teeth and then smiled furiously until her jaw hurt. If Seamus touched her again in that overly familiar way or called her sweetness in that soppy voice, she would deck him. She smiled again for the benefit of the receptionist at the Kowhai Lodge Resort, an elderly maternal type who had an obvious romantic streak. After Seamus’ lectures during the drive here, Aislyn’s nerves were shot. The list of rules was long and varied. And here she’d thought she had escaped the specter of rules when she left the colony. If the situation weren’t so serious, she would have laughed herself silly. This time the joke was on her.
"I’m sure we will have a lovely time, won’t we sweetness?"
The unholy gleam in Seamus’ eyes told her he knew exactly how close she walked to the edge. Too bad, Seamus. Two could play at that game.
Aislyn sidled closer, until her breasts flirted with his arm and then she stood on tiptoe to brush a warm, moist kiss right below his ear. "I think I’m going to adore our stay here, honey. And such a surprise," she gushed, smiling warmly at the receptionist. "Do you know I had no idea where we were going for our honeymoon? This man is such an angel. I just know I’m going to love being married to him."
"Shall we go to our room, sweetness?"
Aislyn grinned inwardly. His words implied togetherness but sparks of irritation shot from his stormy gray eyes while the firm grip he had on her upper arm was likely to leave a bruise. Satisfaction blunted her own irritation. "Sure, honey. After all that traveling, I’m feeling a little grubby." Ugh, all the endearments were enough to make a female sick. Aislyn fluttered her eyelashes at her new husband. "I thought I might take a quick shower then soak in the spa pool." She allowed a soft girlish giggle to escape, before leaning forward to breathe in his ear, "With no clothes on."
His body jerked. Aislyn noted the color highlighting his cheekbones. The man was good and rattled, and it felt pretty damned fine to be the instigator.
"Let’s go," he muttered.
Impatient man. Especially when things weren’t going his way.
"Remember to fill out your breakfast order and leave it on the door outside before you retire. We find newly married couples get so hungry."
Aislyn grinned while the muscles in Seamus’ arm tightened even further. No teasing smile lit the woman’s face; she was deadly serious.
"Ah, thank you," Aislyn murmured. "We won’t forget." She didn’t dare glance at Seamus again because the woman’s words had created steamy images in her mind. Although she had no experience, she’d watched enough movies to spark her imagination. Oh, boy. Aislyn fanned her face with her free hand. Was it hot in here?
"If there is anything we can do to make your stay more comfortable, please let us know."
"Thanks," Seamus gritted out.
At one with the idea of escape, they followed the porter waiting to direct them to their suite. When they were seated in the back of a motorized golf cart, the porter set off down the narrow sloping track.
Aislyn saw the resort was set on a small peninsula overlooking the sea, and there were bungalows tucked unobtrusively away to blend with the trees. According to their chatty driver, the main resort area included two restaurants, a bar with views out to sea, two swimming pools and a number of small exclusive shops catering to the discerning tourist.
When they arrived at their cabin, Aislyn trailed after Seamus and the porter, admiring the décor. Polished wooden floors glowed in the sunlight that shone through the open terrace doors. Lush green ferns filled the small foyer and water tinkled softly in an indoor water feature. Native birdsong drifted in through the open windows. With privacy guaranteed by the resort, it was no wonder John Watson had chosen to stay here. No doubt, the proximity to the offshore islands offered incentive too. According to Seamus, the islands were about the same distance from Auckland with Maximillan’s estate being slightly closer. Right in the back yard of the scavenger hunt competition. To her right, there was a small kitchen area and breakfast bar. The granite bench top held a large bowl of red and green apples, oranges, kiwifruit and bananas, and a crystal vase of white roses. On her left, a two-seater and two comfortable chairs were arranged around a terracotta colored Persian rug. A glass coffee table sat in the middle of the rug.
The porter placed their luggage on the floor. "The bedroom and bathroom are upstairs. Would you like me to show you the features, sir?"
"We’ll be fine," Seamus said tersely. He handed the porter a ten-dollar note to hurry him on his way.
The porter shot a grin in Aislyn’s direction. "Of course, sir."
It wasn’t difficult to read the young man’s thoughts and to Aislyn’s annoyance, she felt heat surge to her cheeks. The young man thought they were going to leap into bed to celebrate their nuptials. The realization that she and Seamus were on their own, alone and accountable to no one, suddenly hit her.
The instant the front door shut behind the porter, Aislyn turned to Seamus. "I think I’ll go and take that shower." Escape--she needed a moment to regroup.
"Not so fast, young lady," Seamus snapped.
"Oh, but sweetheart, I really do feel hot and grubby. I need a shower after the long trip here." And you need time to cool down.
"What do you mean by kissing me that way?"
"Oh." Aislyn allowed her mouth to fall into a pout. "Do you mean I wasn’t doing it right? I know I’m new to this acting game, so if I’m not doing a convincing job, you will tell me, won’t you?"
"Aislyn! Quit fooling around."
"But, sweetheart--"
"Hell’s teeth, Aislyn. Go and have your shower before I decided to put you over my knee. I’ll bring the bags up."
Seamus glared as Aislyn sauntered up a set of stairs to the bedrooms on the upper floor. Each sensual sway of her hips made his blood heat, his body tense. Man, he’d almost lost it when she kissed him at reception. Her scent, the soft feel of her pressed up against him had made him forget why they were here. And that was a mistake he could not afford to repeat.
Seamus strode over to a set of sliding doors and opened them. He stepped out on to th
e balcony in the hope the breeze would cool his raging libido.
He had to take control and stop letting Aislyn rile him. Memo to self, he thought wryly. Aislyn was off limits.
In theory, keeping away from Aislyn should be simple. During his last quick visit to the colony, he’d formally signed the betrothal agreement to Renee from the French colony. He was officially off the ranks of the single men. Pity his libido hadn’t caught up with the fact.
The wedding he had provisionally planned for Summer Solstice would now become a reality. And he would become a married man. Seamus gripped the balcony railing with his hands, tension humming through his body. There should be relief, a sense of rightness in a job well one, so why the heck did he feel so edgy?
A soft voice raised in song, drifted down to him. His stomach lurched, the hairs on the back of his neck stood to attention.
Aislyn O’Sullivan.
The one and only reason his body resonated with sexual tension.
"It had to be her," he muttered, glaring in the direction of the soft feminine singing. His best friend’s baby sibling and the one female he didn’t feel right about having an affair with. Not when he knew she’d be a virgin.
The distinct splash of water registered and with it an x-rated image of sleek feminine curves, water-beaded skin ... not a scrap of clothing in sight.
"Seamus, are you there?"
He was not walking up those stairs.
"You said you would bring my suitcase up."
Damn, he had said that. "All right." Seamus stalked inside and grabbed both his bag and Aislyn’s battered suitcase. As he lifted her suitcase, the strap holding it shut, broke and the case burst open, spewing Aislyn’s clothing across the wooden floors.
He swore, long and bitterly as he watched delicate pieces of lingerie flutter to the ground. Lingerie? Huh! Some of the colorful items were not much bigger than the scraps of cloth Aislyn used to tie her hair off her face. He cast a guilty gaze up the stairs in the direction of the bedroom then quickly grabbed up some of the non-lingerie items.